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Dls lls mals detector

Dls lls Mals Detector Technical Specification:

Laser light scattering DLS workstation provides molecular size and conformation data from the auto correlation of dynamic light scattering signals at any user selectable angle in a 360 degree platform, in 5 degree increments. The angular choice scattering capabilities provides exceptionally accurate measurements for hydrodynamic radius (R ) and hydrodynamic radius h distributions from any type of sample ranging rom molecules (protein and antibodies) to nano particles such as liposomes, sols, magnetic particles, emulsions etc

Product Features:

Our expertise in flow mode DLS in our innovative Analytical Technologies 2000DLS HPLC detectors and our 90 degree fixed angle DLS instrument has yielded this new research grade workstation approach to flexible, fixed position, multiplexed DLS experiments.

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